Tuesday, 19 June 2012

Factors of a music video

In our first lesson back we divulged straight into what it is that makes a music video as well as how the audience are drawn into appreciating it. This is done through a numerous amounts of ways:

Image of the Artist/ Band
This is a very important factor within the music video as it shows how the artist wants people to perceive them as well as the image they want to convey. Take Lost Prophets' song Rooftops for an example (video shown below) the entire band are conforming to the punk/ rock n' roll style appearance as shown by the skinny trousers, long hair and mainly black attire. All this, accompanied with the camera shots highlighting the use of instruments enables the band to gain popularity from the audience as they are conforming to the punk/ rock n' roll stereotype and also creating a relatable image for the audience. 

Camera Angles and Editing
Within any music video there will be an array of varying camera angles to allow for either the artist or bands' actions to be seen for example playing the guitar, singing etc or to encourage a inter-personal relationship between the audience and the artist/ band. Below is the music video from Florence + The Machine - You've got the love and, from the offset, it uses a close up camera shot closely followed by a zooming out shot of Florence (the artist) which, in turn, identifies to the audience who the singer is and their image as well as starting to build the relationship between the two.

In terms of editing, the use of synchronised editing as shown by the use of jump cuts allowing for a change in action and position for the artist which enables the excitement and suspense of the video to continue fluently. The use of the quick cutting rate and matched cuts in the video above add to the continuity of the video and allow for a more believable artist image.

Representation in a music video covers many aspects from stereotypical representations for instance school girl, undiscovered talent, pop princess and all the way to the representation of a certain genre for example a rap artist to a punk rock band.  All these areas of representation help to define the persona of the artist and how they choose to be perceived by their audience.

In majority of cases, the way the artist decide how they want to be represented often influences their fans to copy them and see them as potential role models. Therefore, as a result of this, they become fixed on becoming more like them and conforming to their actions and personal image.

However as time progresses the artist can change their ways in terms of style and choice of image. This is mainly influenced by both age and popularity/ fame.

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